作者简介作者亚当·罗斯·拉波特的经历颇具传奇色彩,自打2010年从研究生院退学之后,在强烈好奇心的驱使下,他开始了精彩刺激的旅程。他靠搭便车旅行横穿美国:从巴哈马乘船出航,在中美洲驻足小住,到了蒙大拿州又跟着精神古鲁(印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖)学习,还加入了野外生存学校。亚当现在住在纽约的西村,他既是名调酒师,又是个大厨,还是位三级品酒师! 亚当毕业于罗诺克大学,社会学学士学位。他在维珍尼亚滩长大,家中除了父亲里德·拉波特、母亲贝基·拉波特之外,还有一个妹妹琳赛·拉波特。内容简介2010年,亚当·拉波特经历了一场改变人生轨迹的思想顿悟。他想要去周游世界,这是他内心最深切的愿望,一定要实现!亚当出身于中上层社会的家庭,而为了实现这个愿望,这名23岁的青年将不得不放弃他的研究生学业。这并没有难倒亚当,他变卖了自己的个人财物,背着一个双肩背包,带着仅仅700美元就开始了他此生的冒险之旅。亚当想要的是四海为家、浪迹天涯的那种自由,在两年的时间里,他学会了流浪汉式的生存之道。他靠搭便车旅行横穿美国:在巴哈马群岛,他成了一艘帆船上的船员,跟随一名像遭了诅咒一般倒霉的船长扬帆航行;其后他又在中美洲紧张地从事了一段时间秘密工作;最后到了蒙大拿州,他开始了学习,他的老师既有野外生存的专家们,还有一名崇尚精神力量的古鲁(印度教等宗教的宗师或领袖)。《浪迹美国的奇异冒险之旅》既给我们带来心灵的洗礼,又为我们上演精彩纷呈的冒险,本书语言幽默,穿插作者对自己、对人性的内省,见解深刻,你会发现逐梦而行真的可以将人带进从未想过的新境界。媒体评论This book is one hell of a ride. The writer tells his tale of how he dramatically changed his life by becoming a moneyless vagabond, and sacrificed everything for "the road". The book has three parts and three different adventures. Hitch-hiking across the country, sailing the caribbean, and working on a tourist beach in Honduras. It's not only interesting in how he explains how he did managed to get around, but he's a good writer, and funny as hell. It seems like he starts off as a naive idealistic boy, and then by the end turns into a rugged wise man. Looking forward to Part Two! ——By talla on October 31, 2014Want to leave your material goods behind and hitchhike the US? You can! That's Mr Rapoport's advice to all the people he encounters on his journey who wish they had the courage to take a similar trip. For the less adventurous, you can vicariously become a vagabond reading his travel tales. I couldn't put down this memoir and I can't wait to read Part II to find out what happens to Randal, why Adam leaves Honduras for good and all the rest of the adventure. He has an honest writing style that doesn't sugarcoat himself, the trip or the people he meets. A very human tale. ——By Alexis Percival on January 20, 2015n 2010, Adam Rapoport experienced a life-changing epiphany. He wanted to travel the world, by any means necessary. But for the twenty-three-year-old son of an middle-upper-class family to do so, he would have to drop out of graduate school. Undaunted, he sold his possessions and hit the road with a backpack and $700 for the adventure of a lifetime. Adam wanted to experience the freedoms of homeless travel. Over the course of two years, he learned how to get around and survive on the road. He hitchhiked across the United States, he joined the crew of a sailboat and explored the Bahamas with a seemingly cursed captain. He then wound up working under the table in Central America. And finally, he studied under both wilderness survival experts and a spiritualist guru in Montana. Spiritual, adventurous, humorous, self-reflective, insightful, and even romantic, Memory of a Vagabond shows that following one's dream will bring you to places you never thought possible.
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