风高月黑的冬日夜晚,邻县的公安厅刑警支队秘密进入清泉市。恢恢法网在夜幕下悄然张开。一场不动声色却暗藏玄机的较量,由此拉开了帷幕。以副市长张明远为代表的一批为了党的事业、民族命运而忘自我的正义志士,无论在官场的旋涡中,还是身处经济春潮下涌动的暗流中,都以一颗赤诚之心,演绎着一幕幕惊心动魄、令人深省,似乎就发生在我们身边的正气之歌。 In a dark winter night, a detachment of criminal police of the neighbor police security bureau entered Qingquan City sneakingly. The net of justice quietly stretched out and a secret and hidden contest came on stage. A group of justicial and patriotic party members represented by Deputy Major Zhang Mingyuan, on the behalf of the Party's cause and for the destiny of Chinese nation, interpreted the soul-stirring and thoughtful scenes either in the whirlpool of officialdom or in the surging undercurrent in the economic torrents with a sincere heart, just as if the justice songs resounding around us.
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