Mocked and hounded by the other candy-stripers, Simone proves her worth when an enemy tank explodes the quiet of a French field hospital near Montcornet (May, 1940). An encrypted code holds the secret to a flaw in the tank's design. Boom ! Can Simone break the code in time?
Young Shawnee Smith speaks truth to power when one of the world's great citizens visits her Florida home. Her idea can change the fate of her people. But will anyone listen?
Teen heroines in history use geometry, algebra and other mathematics to solve colossal problems.
"Brilliant ..." Julie Porter, Bookworm Reviews
"We must teach mathematics from different points of view and different perspectives, as Tom has done in this collection of stories." — Sandra Uve, Author "SuperMujeres, SuperInventoras," from her Foreword
"Wonderful reads ... an invaluable addition to any library. These stories represent the missing link between math entertainment and education that young learners have long needed." — Diane Donovan, Editor, Bookwatch